Online marketing may be accessible to all, but without good basics, success will always remain elusive. And there are so many articles and guides for beginners out there, that separating the wheat from the chaff can be a difficult and frustrating task.
If you are in this situation, this is your lucky day. Fit Small Business has done the work for you. In the Slideshare presentation below, they highlight 101 free online marketing resources that they used to learn the craft.
Some of the biggest names and blogs are mentioned: Darren Rowse (ProBlogger), Ana Hoffman (Traffic Generation Cafe), Neil Patel (Quick Sprout), Moz, Search Engine Land, Hubspot, Search Engine Watch, Aaron Lee (PostPlanner), Jon Loomer, Sean Clark, Kristi Hines, HubSpot, Kissmetrics…
101 Free Online Marketing Resources For Entrepreneurs from Fit Small Business