If you have followed this blog long enough, you know my stance on content creation. It has many benefits, including the ability to show off your expertise, build trust, and create advocacy.
Now, before thinking of benefits, let’s go back to the basics. How do you choose the best formats for your content strategy? Check out Brands on Digital’s infographic below for a great answer.
As you can see, everything starts with three major considerations: audience, objectives, and budget. You can create great content without breaking the bank, of course. However, its “virality” and long-term success will depend on your readers and plan.
Infographic by Brands On Digital
Some quick and actionable tips for successful social sharing
- Understand the main differences between all the major social networks
Infographic by Avalaunch Media.
- Don’t treat all your readers in the same way. Their expectations are driven by the platforms they use!
The screenshot above is taken from Google+. The format of the post is what you would find on Twitter. As such, it is inappropriate for the Plus or Facebook. It’s what we call cross-posting.
Did you notice the reactions from readers (including +1s)? Further, no one from “The Next Web” has addressed their comments. So, it looks like the brand is on auto-pilot on Google+. Not good at all!
Update: The founder and CEO of The Next Web responded to my comments on Twitter. I had mentioned two things: the latest redesign of the website (sliding articles and distracting background ads) and the automated posts on the company’s Google+ Page. He promised he would take my feedback into consideration. Our entire conversation is here.
I love responsive brands. So, this is a great outcome!
- Re-share your posts over time. Buffer has been doing a stellar job in that department for a long time. Check out their suggestions here.
I re-share my posts on Twitter and LinkedIn via the Buffer My Post plugin, which I really like. If you just use Twitter, the Revive Old Post plugin is also a great option for your WordPress blog.
- Include calls to action everywhere — in your blog / social media posts, sales pages, etc. Want people to share your posts? Ask them! Interested in growing your list of subscribers? Show your readers how to easily sign up. Do you offer specific services? Make them visible.
After the invitation to sign up to his newsletter at the end of his posts, marketer and blogger Danny Brown has included a call to action that promotes his one-on-one blogging consultation services. All the information is there. No need to click several links to find it. Smart, don’t you think?
What are your tips to craft the best blog posts and share them with the world?