Looking for updated traffic numbers on Google+ traffic? Social media agency We Are Social released an interesting infographic on Wednesday.
Here are some highlights:
- 1.15 billion users
- 359 million monthly active users (32 percent of all registered members)
- 201.6 million access Google+ from a mobile device (56 percent of MAUs)
- Men / women ratio: 62 / 38 percent
- Top demographic: 25-34 years old
- Average time spent on Google+ monthly: 6:47 (mm:ss)
- 1.5 billion pictures uploaded every week
Infographic credit: We Are Social / Luca Della Dora (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives)
More Google stats
- 120 million Google Drive users (All Things Digital)
– 1 billion unique monthly YouTube users (YouTube Statistics page)
- 6 billion hours of YouTube videos watched monthly (YouTube Statistics page)
- 425 million Gmail users (TechCrunch)
- 750 million Chrome users (Official Google Blog)
- 1 billion Android devices (About Google)
- Daily pageviews of Google.com per visitor: 20.31 (Alexa)
- Average daily time spent on Google.com: 18:37 (mm:ss) (Alexa)
- Top countries using Google.com (September 2013): United States (30.1 percent), India (8.8 percent), Brazil (3.3), Russia (3.3 percent), United Kingdom (2.8 percent), Japan (2.6 percent), Germany (2.4 percent), Iran (2.4), Indonesia (2.4), France (2.3). (Statista)
– Google serves 25 percent of North American Internet traffic (CNET)
- 2.1 trillion Google searches in 2013 (5.9 billion a day) (Statistic Brain)
- 3.6+ billion searches today (Internet Live Stats)
Category: Social Media Stats & News 5 Comments
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