Social Media Slant – Social media from a human perspective

Guest post: 9 blog post ideas that will grow your website traffic

Portrait of Duranty Blogging, after Degas

The following is a post from Gary Dek. His bio is at the end.

Some people make it seem effortless to run an engaging and informative blog. While part of their success may be attributed to their unique style and personality, these bloggers never seem to run out of great blog post ideas.

Whether you’re just starting a blog or have been blogging for years, here are 9 blog post ideas that could help you to create a unique blog with insightful content.


#1 Tutorials or how-to guides

Do you have specific professional or personal experience in a popular area of interest? Are you considered an expert in a certain field? The most powerful type of content today is the how-to post because readers are constantly looking for informative, practical websites to help them answer questions or solve problems. For example, my personal site teaches non-technical people how to make a blog website. Just remember that a how-to can come in many forms, including text, image, infographic, video, or podcast.

#2 List posts

Whether it’s the top 10, 99, or 101 of something, readers love list posts because they are easily skimmable and people are attracted to big numbers. You can make a list of just about anything, such as “Top 50 Ways to Save Money”, “3Tips to Leverage Pinterest” or “101 Hairstyle Tips to Drive Your Boyfriend Crazy”.

#3 Infographics

A block of text can sometimes be intimidating for readers, especially in this world of short attention spans. Infographics can be a great way for you to provide information in an aesthetically-pleasing medium. The best part is that infographics are excellent for social sharing, thereby increasing your post’s reach and the chances you will earn links.

#4 Controversial posts

There are certain topics in every industry that just don’t get discussed. For example, in the SEO community, bloggers don’t point out and criticize SEOs who employ black hat link building strategies. It just happens to be this tacit “rule” and everyone minds their own business.

While controversial, a post that uncovers shady link building practices by large brands doesn’t actually cross any moral or ethical boundaries, making it an excellent potential post. Just be careful with controversial posts – you can’t go too far and must have thick skin.

#5 Become a critic

Do you spend a lot of time reading, watching films, analyzing businesses, researching investments, or eating food? People value their time, and reviews are always helpful in allowing them to expose themselves to only that which they are sure to find interesting, useful, or enjoyable. The general public is always looking for straightforward and conscientious reviews, so offer a regular review on a product or service your audience may need.

#6 Interview people of interest

Do you have access to “celebrities” or industry experts in your niche that others may not? An interview post is especially powerful because not only do you create and deliver great content, but it gives you the opportunity to network with an influencer within your field. And because the interview further cements the interviewee’s reputation as a thought leader, he/she is likely to share your post with others, thereby furthering your blog’s reach.

#7 Create your own inspirational memes

Using inspirational quotes is a timeless way to motivate, inspire, and entertain readers. It is amazing how much one line of positivity can change someone’s outlook for the day. The social shares alone can help

#8 Get personal

There is something about human nature that draws us towards secrets, which is why reality television and gossip magazines are so popular. If there is something semi-scandalous about yourself that you do not mind sharing with strangers, posting it to your blog will probably pique some interest.

Even if the post isn’t about some drama in your life, readers love to connect with the blogger they follow. It humanizes you and allows your personality to shine through.

#9 Highlight a guest blogger or reader

If you have some avid followers who often share thoughtful and relevant ideas in your comments section, why not invite one or more of them to submit guest posts to your blog? You can even choose to invite other bloggers you admire and respect for their tremendous knowledge and work in the field. Not only will you publish a high quality post, but the guest blogger will promote his/her post and share your blog with their followers. It can be a great way to gain access to a new audience.

Cendrine’s note: Gary will be back in a couple of weeks to share more blog post ideas!

Gary Dek is a former finance professional turned internet entrepreneur and SEO specialist. He helps people start blogs and build successful online businesses.

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