When it comes to your social media strategy, you should never put all your eggs in the Facebook’s basket. A lot of your audience may be there, but recent events have proven that the social network may not be a viable option for businesses with small wallets.
Instead, why not take advantage of Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and / or Pinterest? Tumblr, SlideShare, and Instagram also offer some great perks.
With that said, each platform serves a specific purpose. So, it is essential to familiarize yourself with it. The success of your business depends on it!
Magic Logix has created an infographic that covers the basics for 11 major social media sites. No matter what your goal is (customer communication, brand exposure, increase in traffic, and search engine optimization), you will find some very helpful tips to optimize your strategy and get the best results.
Infographic created by Magic Logix. Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.