Have you ever written long-form posts on LinkedIn? If not, you should.
Every time I publish a new piece on the platform, several great things happen. I get new followers. My inbox also fills with connection requests from people in my industry and job / partnership offers.
All that with my content rarely reaching more than 300 views!
Some people would probably tell you that it’s low traffic. I prefer calling it nice ROI. 😉
So, if you wonder how you could achieve good results with long-form publishing on LinkedIn, read further. I have a list of quick tips for you. I hope you’ll find them useful.
11 tips to write posts that your LinkedIn readers will crave
- Only focus on your areas of expertise.
- Showcase concrete examples of your experience. Case studies, takeaways, and lessons learnt in your field are a great way to increase credibility.
- Add visual aids to your posts: images, videos, presentations, etc.
- Make your content easy to read with great titles, short paragraphs, and bullet points.
7 Tips to Write from Cendrine Marrouat
Additional reading: “7 tips to write stellar blog posts”
- Don’t worry about length. A 500-words piece can do wonders if the message is right.
- Keep your language professional.
- Only post if you have something valuable to share.
- Check the analytics section for your posts to understand your readership.
- Follow the Publishing Platform Guidelines. For example, don’t:
1) “[P]ost anything misleading, fraudulent, obscene, threatening, hateful, defamatory, discriminatory, or illegal.”
2) Use infringing content.
3) “[S]hare anything you don’t have permission to share.”
However, LinkedIn allows you to republish content from your blog.
- Read what other LinkedIn publishers in your industry publish. This will allow you to understand the kind of content that members prefer.
- Pay attention to and interact in comment sections. They are sometimes more interesting and insightful than the posts themselves.
Some post ideas
Not sure what to write about? Here is a list of ideas to get you started:
- Concrete advice for beginners or students in your field.
- How you see your industry change in the next 5 or 10 years.
- How your profession or industry has changed since you started.
- The biggest challenge(s) you have ever faced with your business.
- The top skills needed in your job or at your company.
- The story behind your business.
- The biggest problem in your industry right now.
- The top 5 posts you read last week / month.
- Your predictions for this year
- Important current trends.
- A roundup of important stats and figures in your industry.
- Your latest achievements.
- The lessons you learnt from your mistakes / failures.
Additional reading:
- Publishing Long-Form Posts on LinkedIn
- Editing Your Long-Form Posts
- Managing Comments on Long-Form Posts
- See Who’s Following Your Long-Form Posts
- Long-Form Posts Featured in Pulse
- Distribution of Long-Form Posts – LinkedIn’s Publishing Platform
- Searching for Member Posts
Do you have other tips to share? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.