Social Media Slant – Social media from a human perspective

Social Media Slant / Meet Cendrine Marrouat

Meet Cendrine Marrouat

Social Media Blogger & Trainer – Content Curator – Author – Photographer – French Instructor – Translator

Social Media Slant Founder

B2B News Network Columnist

Contributor to Curatti

Former Blog Staff Writer

Social Media from a Human Perspective

Hello there!

Thank you for stopping by my “About” page.

My name is Cendrine Marrouat. I was born and raised in Toulouse, a beautiful city in southern France. A former English major, I hold a bachelor’s degree in English-to-French translation.

In 2003, I moved to Winnipeg, Canada, where I still reside.

In my 13-year career, I have done many things, including teaching, translation, photography, reviews, blogging, content curation, and journalism. I also released six collections of poetry, two photography books, two social media ebooks, and a spoken word CD. Finally, I am a dabbling playwright with two plays under my belt. I tried writing short stories, but the genre is not my thing.

Those different occupations have provided me with a lot of insights into the freelancing and online world. I understand what it means to have a business. I know the challenges and struggles entrepreneurs go through on a daily basis because they have been part of my life too.

To me, social media is about the human journey. This need to connect with others is part of the human fabric. We want to feel that we belong somewhere, that our voice is heard, that we matter.

My decision to work in social media stemmed from that idea. I have dedicated the last seven years to helping small business owners and entrepreneurs like you to leverage the power of online relationships and become strong and trusted brands.

You truly deserve to be successful. I would be happy to guide you towards making that goal a reality.

Some questions people often ask me

“How do I pronounce your name?”

Cendrine Marrouat is pronounced as “san-drEEn mar-wah”. The “t” at the end is optional.

“How long have you been a blogger?”

My love story with blogging started in 2005. Social Media Slant, which I launched in April 2013, is my latest blog.

“What are your favorite social media topics?”

Blogging, curation, social networking, and Twitter.

And I love interviewing people, reviewing products, and writing roundups!

“How big is the team behind Social Media Slant?”

There is no team. I’m the only person managing the site.

And for those who wonder who designed it, the answer is: ‘lil me. The Genesis Framework is awesome once you have figured it out.

“Are you working on something right now?”

Last year, after releasing The Little Big eBook on Social Media Audiences: Build Yours, Keep It, and WinI decided to take a break. The break is now officially over. So, you can expect some great news from me soon! 😉

“Have you won any award?”

Boasting is not my thing. However, I am proud of the fact that The Little Big eBook on Social Media Audiences won the community choice vote in the 2015 Small Business Book Awards. Category: Social Media.

2015 was also a pivotal year for me. I was recognized a Top 100 Business Blogger by BuzzHUMM, and Social Media Slant made Fit Small Business’ Best Small Business Blogs of 2015 list.

“What’s your favorite thing to do after social media?”

I am passionate about photography and art in general. Taking pictures is one of the most relaxing activities ever!


Cendrine Marrouat | LinkedIn

Written specifically for entrepreneurs and small business owners who struggle or are just starting with social media, The Little Big eBook on Social Media Audiences: Build Yours, Keep It, and Win (release date: May 15, 2014) is a down-to-earth guide that focuses on the four pillars of relationship and audience building: Finding, Engaging, Creating, and Connecting.

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