Social Media Slant – Social media from a human perspective

Announcing the release date for my new eBook!

The cover of my new eBook!

Well, folks, this is it! After 17 months of hard work, I am finally able to say it: I have a publication date for my new eBook! The Little Big eBook on Social Media Audiences: Build Yours, Keep It, and Win will be released on May 15, 2014. I am beyond excited!

Oh, and the image on the right is the cover. My friend Katrina Moody designed it. She is talented, isn’t she?

Before I share an extract from the eBook, I’d like to answer a question that many people have asked me: “Why did it take you so long to complete this project?”

At the end of last year, I found myself stuck in the fourth draft. Something was missing, which my test readers also noticed. So, instead of forcing things, I took a break. And that break helped me see things very differently.

I realized that many of the chapters talked about the same thing: audiences. Most of my discussions with people revolved around that as well.

Since the idea of starting from scratch did not appeal to me, I decided to build on what I already had. After getting rid of the chapters that did not deal specifically with audiences, I reshuffled and edited what was left. Finally, I added more examples.

To be honest, I am very happy things happened that way. I feel that the final product is better organized and easier to read. The focus is also clearer. Hopefully, you will agree with me. 😉

And now, an extract from The Little Big eBook on Social Media Audiences: Build Yours, Keep It, and Win!

Chapter 6: “It Is About the Needs of Your Audience”

One of the first defining moments in my life occurred a few months after I had turned 12. One afternoon, after a visit to a friend’s, I decided to stop by the music store to look for new albums to buy. The cover of And Then, There Were Three, Genesis’ 1978 album, caught my eyes. I already liked Phil Collins, so I figured that it was worth a listen.

Saying that it was love at first sight is an understatement. The feeling I experienced when the music started playing was magical. It was something that had never happened to me before. Within the next few months, I owned the entire official discography of the band.

Now, more than two decades later, I have an entire hard drive full of Genesis music. And my love for the band has not changed one bit. Whenever I listen to them, I remember Sunday afternoons spent writing or reading in my bedroom, and walks in the parks in my hometown.

My teenage years would have never been the same without Genesis. I did not have many friends, so their music was like an inner conversation that took me to a different place.

How Fifty Shades of Grey Can Help You Understand Your Audience

I have always been fascinated by the way people get drawn to a certain type of music. However, I only started understanding the concept of true fan a couple of years ago.

During one of my workshops, one participant asked me why I thought Fifty Shades of Grey was so successful. I found this question really interesting and came up with an explanation that I hope will make sense to you.

I only read a few passages from E. L. James’ book, and to be honest, I find it poorly written. Yet, as much as I would never recommend it to anybody, I also understand the appeal it has on many Canadians and Americans.

I was born and raised in France. Over there, people are usually quite comfortable discussing bedroom matters with friends. In North America, things are a little different. It feels almost taboo-like. Women, in particular, are rarely encouraged to broach the topic.

As I always say, the more you try to prevent people from doing something, the more likely they are to find an outlet to express themselves.

That is where a book like Fifty Shades of Grey plays an important role. It fills a void. It answers many of the questions women (and some men) may have about sexuality and self-discovery, while allowing them to explore things that are often frowned upon by society. It is exciting and new. And since reading is a very private experience, it is like having a dirty little secret…

Actually, I strongly believe that you can apply this “filling a void” concept to everything. The reason is simple. There is an audience for every idea in the world; and every audience has specific needs and expectations. So, finding what makes your fans tick will definitely give you an edge.

I love Genesis’ music because I can relate to it. Millions of people have enjoyed reading Fifty Shades of Grey not because it is a literary gem, but because they found something in the book that speaks to them, entertains them, and makes them feel more comfortable about themselves.

A successful social media strategy will always try to answer these questions: “Did I meet the need of my audience? How can I make things even better? What can I learn if I did not succeed? And how can I leverage this experience to hit the mark with my next campaign?”

Stay tuned for more news and another extract!


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