Social Media Slant – Social media from a human perspective

5 articles you may have missed (February 2015)

Another month has ended. Time to share my favorite social media articles from around the web! I hope you will enjoy the list I selected for you.

What is Content Curation? Videos by Experts (SlideBatch) – SlideBatch asked 11 thought leaders to weigh on the topic of curation. And each has a different thing to say.

Joe Pulizzi, for example, believes that you should curate your own content instead of others’. And Tom Webster advises against a curation-centric attitude towards content marketing.

To me the most important lesson is this: Focus on what works for you, your brand, and your audience. The way I curate is very different from what others do. But at the end of the day, our audiences stick to us because we care about delivering useful and educational info in a way that makes sense to them.

These Five Essential Habits of Curators Will Make You a Smarter Marketer (MarketingProfs) – Rohit Bhargava truly understands curation and what makes its practitioners important pieces of the content marketing puzzle.

According to him, curators are curious, observant, fickle, thoughtful, and elegant. Fickle because they capture “ideas without needing to fully understand or analyze them in that same moment. On the surface, this may seem counterintuitive. After all, when you find a great idea, why wouldn’t you take the time to analyze it and develop a point of view? Yet, freeing yourself from doing so as a necessity can enable you to see and collect more ideas. A key part of becoming an idea curator is learning to save ideas for later digestion.”

Intelligent discussions on curation are happening, and it’s heart-warming to see!

30 Epic Tips to Skyrocket Your Business Blog (Blogger Sidekick) – Launching and running a successful business blog is not easy. That’s why marketers and business owners often get discouraged and quickly give up.

I have been a blogger for a decade now. Finding my rhythm and audience and understanding what I was supposed to do, took a lot of planning, trials and errors, and many blogs.

That’s something I explain to my clients all the time: You cannot expect results if you don’t treat your blog with the respect it deserves.

Your blog is an entire part of your business! Beyond its purpose, you must define its target audience, and ensure that it looks the part. You must also be willing to master storytelling.

Want more tips? Will Blunt has written one of the best posts I have ever read on the topic. Each sub-part comes with detailed information and links to useful resources.

What You Can Learn From My Record Blog Traffic Yesterday (Mack Collier) – Mack Collier delivers a textbook analysis of his traffic via Google Analytics. I won’t spoil the fun and let you read. This is golden info to bookmark!

But Everyone Else is Doing It: Why There are So Many Illegal Social Media Contests (Grow Blog) – Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter… Each platform has specific rules — and they are often hard to figure out. That may be the reason why brands don’t really read them and run illegal contests without thinking of the consequences of their decisions.

This is the first time I find an article that highlights exactly the dangers of choosing to ignore the rules. Kerry Gorgone explains the subtle differences between types of contests and shares some tips. Namely:

  • Beware of giveaways.
  • Be transparent and encourage disclosure
  • Use “Void Where Prohibited” and “No Purchase Necessary.”

Looking for more useful resources hand-picked from around the web (including mine)? Visit my Social Business page.


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