Recently, a member of Q&A platform Quora asked if it was possible to display a Twitter widget with selected tweets in the sidebar of their blog.
The answer is yes. And it’s very easy to do. Here is a short tutorial below.
First, create a Collection with TweetDeck. Then drag and drop the Tweets you want to feature in it.
The next step is to log in to your Twitter account. Visit the Widgets area in your settings and click “Create new” at the top of your page. Select “Collection” as the timeline source. Yours should be in the drop-down list under Configuration.
Click the “Create widget” button when you are done with the configuration settings and copy the code.
In your WordPress dashboard, visit the “Widget” area. Drag a text widget where you want the Twitter widget to appear, paste the code, and click “Save”.
Here is an example of Twitter widget with selective Tweets:
Note that you can create widgets for anything you want on Twitter: user’s timelines, lists, search results, and favorites.
I hope you liked this tutorial! 🙂