You may not know it, but before becoming a social media professional, I was an indie artist. I wrote poems, plays, and some short stories.
Art has taught me an important lesson: If you learn to let go, creativity will never be a problem.
I have applied that lesson to everything I do. For example, whenever writer’s block shows up on my doorstep, I take a break. I call a friend, take my dogs for a walk, play some guitar, take a few pictures, or listen to some good music. More often than not, inspiration is back within minutes.
Creativity is not the privilege of a few. Everyone has the ability to be consistently creative and productive.
“But, how,” you ask. The video below will answer your question. TO-FU has 29 simple tips for you.
29 WAYS TO STAY CREATIVE from TO-FU on Vimeo. (CC3.0)
For those who would like to see the entire list of tips, I have included it below: do you usually do to tickle your creative bone? Share with us in the comment section below.